Seeking Balance In Life
1/20/2014 08:58:00 pm
Alhamdulillah that we have reached this far into year 2014. Pardon for the sudden Missing-In-Action (MIA), due to the fact that I was busy researching and compiling of knowledge and experiences, and to ensure that the facts are in line with the Syariah Law. Not only that, I have learnt how to balance my life in terms of spending time for myself, my family, friends, colleagues and clients. I learnt that no matter how far we have succeeded in life and face setbacks, our family is always there to cushion us from our fall, to provide support and also to motivate us in times when we feel like giving up. I would like to share with my blog readers here on how to balance your life.
1) List down your task for each day.
2) Set your priorities right, by identifying the ones that require immediate action.
3) Don't forget to set some time aside for
yourself and also for your family.
4) At the end of the day, sit down and reflect if you have achieved your goals for the day.
This method do apply to all of us who have set our goals in life.
1) List down how you will be in the next 5 years, 10 years and during your golden years(retirement), in terms of Financial and Personal Goals.
2) Figure out how to achieve your goals and follow through. (At times, there are unknown circumstances that you have to go a longer way in order to reach your goals.)
3) Make dua that you will be able to go through your life with Allah as your guidance.
Last but not least, we may plan our plans accordingly, but Allah is the best planner.