Growing Your Wealth In Accordance To Islamic Syariah Law.

9/25/2013 12:37:00 am


Here is the continuation of my previous post "Effects of Inflation On Savings". This blog entry shall be about how, we, as an individual Muslim can do our part in managing our wealth and grow it, in accordance to the Islamic Syariah Law.

First and foremost, before we start off with growing our wealth in accordance to Islamic Syariah Law, we need to understand what is the Syariah Law.

Syariah Law is a set of guidelines by Allah, to us, his faithful servants, so that Allah favours everything we do, as long as it is within the guidelines. The primary sources of Syariah are: Al-Quran and Sunnah (Practices of Prophet Muhammad's(PBUH) actions, words and approvals). Syariah Law highlights the Prohibition of Riba', Our Role and Responsibility as a Muslim and, last but not least, Wealth In Islam (Insyaallah, I will try to cover each and every points in my future blog entries, much more in detail for better understanding. Amin.).

Moving on from what we understand from the Syariah Law, lets learn about how we can manage our wealth and grow it in accordance to the Islamic Syariah Law. As we all know, we have to try our best to make everything halal, ranging from the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the money we earn and also to personal matters such as love.

How do we go about in managing our wealth and grow it in accordance to the Islamic Syariah Law?

1) Make effort to come forward and look for Syariah Compliant choices first, before opting for the Connventional option. A Syariah Compliant product do not deal with Riba', gharar (uncertainty), gambling/maisir and other Haram businesses.

2) Participate in supporting the Islamic Economy by making the first step: Open up an Islamic Bank Account. After which, you can continue by sharing the goodness of having an Islamic Bank Account, with the people around you.

3) Ask the respective bank/relationship manager that you open your Islamic Bank Account on what are the Islamic Investments that they provide.
Islamic Investments can be as follows (list may be longer for some banks):

  • 1) Fixed Deposit
  • 2) Sukuk (Bonds)
  • 3) Unit Trusts
  • 4) Takaful (Insurance)

4) Look out for seminars on Islamic Banking. They sure do cover various types of topics which is according to current context. (There is an upcoming Islamic Banking Seminar, Insyaallah, I will post it in my next blog post once it is confirmed.)

I hope I have answered the question well in this blog entry. If you have any enquiry, feel free to email me at or FB message me. Don't forget to share, because sharing is caring. Jazakallah khairan (May Allah reward you with goodness.). In the mean time, stay tuned for my next blog entry.


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